BBC | World Service | Outlook | My sister Banaz - killed for loving the wrong man

My sister Banaz - killed for loving the wrong man

When Payzee Mahmod was 16, she was forced to marry a man twice her age. She grew up in the UK and her family was from a tight-knit Kurdish community where strict traditions of so-called ‘honour’ played a central part in their lives. So when Banaz – Payzee’s beloved older sister who had also been forced into child marriage – left her husband and started a relationship with a man of her choice, the family thought she had 'shamed' them. The consequences would be tragic and horrific.

Payzee is now an activist and at the forefront of a campaign to end child marriage in England and Wales.

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Presenter Sahar Zand


A Turning Point: in ending "honour" based abuse.


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